External connectivity status

External connectivity status history

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Major outage

Partial outage


There are 3 ongoing events 🌏︎

Afghanistan Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Albania Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Algeria Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
American Samoa Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Andorra Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Angola Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Anguilla Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Antigua and Barbuda Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Argentina Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Armenia Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Aruba Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Australia Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Austria Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Azerbaijan Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Bahamas Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Bahrain Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Bangladesh Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Barbados Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Belarus Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Belgium Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Belize Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Benin Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Bermuda Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Bhutan Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Bolivia Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Bosnia and Herzegovina Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Botswana Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
USSD Operational
Brazil Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Brunei Darussalam Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Bulgaria Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Burkina Faso Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Burundi Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Cabo Verde Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Cambodia Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Cameroon Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Canada Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
MMS Operational
Caribbean Netherlands Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Cayman Islands Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Central African Republic Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Chad Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
USSD Operational
Chile Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
China Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Colombia Partial Outage
SMS Operational
Voice Partial Outage
Comoros Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Congo Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Congo (Democratic Republic) Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
USSD Operational
Cook Islands Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Costa Rica Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Cote d'Ivoire Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Croatia Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Cuba Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Curacao Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Cyprus Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Czech Republic Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Denmark Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Djibouti Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Dominica Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Dominican Republic Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Ecuador Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Egypt Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
El Salvador Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Equatorial Guinea Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Eritrea Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Estonia Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Eswatini Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
USSD Operational
Ethiopia Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
USSD Operational
Falkland Islands Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Faroe Islands Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Fiji Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Finland Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
France Partial Outage
SMS Partial Outage
Voice Degraded Performance
French Guiana Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
French Polynesia Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
French Southern Territories Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Gabon Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
USSD Operational
Gambia Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Georgia Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Germany Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Ghana Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
USSD Operational
Gibraltar Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Greece Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Greenland Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Grenada Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Guadeloupe Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Guam Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Guatemala Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Guernsey Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Guinea Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Guinea-Bissau Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Guyana Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Haiti Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Honduras Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Hong Kong Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
MMS Operational
Hungary Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Iceland Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
India Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Indonesia Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Iran Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Iraq Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Ireland Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Isle of Man Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Israel Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Italy Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Jamaica Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Japan Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Jersey Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Jordan Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Kazakhstan Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Kenya Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
USSD Operational
Kiribati Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Korea, the Republic of Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
MMS Operational
Kosovo Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Kuwait Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Kyrgyzstan Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Lao People's Democratic Republic Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Latvia Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Lebanon Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Lesotho Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Liberia Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
USSD Operational
Libya Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Liechtenstein Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Lithuania Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Luxembourg Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Macao Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Madagascar Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Malawi Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
USSD Operational
Malaysia Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Maldives Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Mali Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Malta Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Marshall Islands Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Martinique Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Mauritania Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Mauritius Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Mayotte Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Mexico Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Micronesia (Federated States of) Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Moldova Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Monaco Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Mongolia Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Montenegro Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Montserrat Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Morocco Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Mozambique Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
USSD Operational
Myanmar Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Namibia Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
USSD Operational
Nauru Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Nepal Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Netherlands Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
New Caledonia Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
New Zealand Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Nicaragua Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Niger Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Nigeria Major Outage
SMS Partial Outage
Voice Operational
USSD Major Outage
Norfolk Island Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
North Macedonia Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Norway Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Oman Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Pakistan Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Palau Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Palestine Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Panama Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Papua New Guinea Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Paraguay Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Peru Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Philippines Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Poland Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Portugal Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Puerto Rico Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Qatar Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Reunion Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Romania Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Rwanda Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Saint Helena Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Saint Kitts and Nevis Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Saint Lucia Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Saint Pierre and Miquelon Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Saint Vincent and The Grenadines Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Samoa Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
San Marino Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Sao Tome and Principe Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Saudi Arabia Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Senegal Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
USSD Operational
Serbia Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Seychelles Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Sierra Leone Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Singapore Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Sint Maarten Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Slovakia Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Slovenia Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Solomon Islands Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Somalia Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
South Africa Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
USSD Operational
South Sudan Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Spain Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Sri Lanka Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Sudan Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Suriname Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Sweden Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Switzerland Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Syria Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Taiwan Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Tajikistan Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Tanzania Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
USSD Operational
Thailand Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Timor-Leste Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Togo Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Tonga Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Trinidad and Tobago Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Tunisia Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Turkey Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Turkmenistan Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Turks and Caicos Islands Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Tuvalu Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Uganda Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
USSD Operational
Ukraine Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
United Arab Emirates Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
United Kingdom Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
United States Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
MMS Operational
Uruguay Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Uzbekistan Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Vanuatu Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Venezuela Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Vietnam Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Virgin Islands (British) Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Wallis and Futuna Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Yemen Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
Zambia Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
USSD Operational
Zimbabwe Operational
SMS Operational
Voice Operational
USSD Operational
Degraded Performance
Partial Outage
Major Outage
Scheduled Maintenance
Please be informed that T-Mobile US network, United States operator will conduct technical maintenance during the period indicated below:

Start: 12/03/2025 02:00 UTC
End: 12/03/2025 12:00 UTC

Channel impacted: SMS | MMS

During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to handsets.

Posted on Mar 07, 2025 - 00:59 UTC
Please be informed that T-Mobile US Network, United States operator will conduct technical maintenance during the period indicated below:

Start: 13.03.2025 02:00 UTC
End: 13.03.2025 12:00 UTC

Channel impacted: SMS | MMS

During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS/MMS to handsets.

Posted on Mar 07, 2025 - 01:32 UTC
France - Bouygues Telecom - PLANNED OPERATOR MAINTENANCE Mar 17, 2025 23:00 - Mar 18, 2025 06:00 UTC
Please be informed that Bouygues Telecom (NNC: 20820), France operator will conduct technical maintenance during the period indicated below:

Start: 17.03.2025. 23:00 UTC
End: 18.03.2025. 06:00 UTC

Channel impacted: SMS

During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to handsets.

Posted on Feb 28, 2025 - 10:05 UTC
Please be informed that ClearSky, United States operators will conduct technical maintenance during the period indicated below:

Start: 18.03.2025. 09:00 UTC
End: 18.03.2025. 11:00 UTC

Channel impacted: SMS

During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to handsets.

Posted on Mar 06, 2025 - 11:53 UTC
Recent events
Mar 11, 2025

Unresolved incident: France - MNO - Bouygues Telecom - SMS DELIVERY DEGRADATION.

Mar 10, 2025
Resolved - Previously reported degradation in SMS delivery towards multiple networks, Italy has been resolved. Traffic is now being delivered in a timely manner. We will continue to monitor the connection with the MNOs to ensure no further issues are observed.
Mar 10, 12:05 UTC
Update - We are experiencing degradation in SMS delivery towards multiple networks, Italy. You may experience irregular delivery with inconsistent delivery times while sending towards the specified networks.

- MNO - Vodafone Italy
- MNO - TIM (Telecom Italia SpA)

Our dedicated engineering team is working with the MNO to resolve the situation at hand, we will post update as new information is

Mar 10, 10:34 UTC
Identified - We are experiencing degradation in SMS delivery towards MNO - Vodafone Italy network, Italy. You may experience irregular delivery with inconsistent delivery times while sending towards the specified network.

Our dedicated engineering team is working with the MNO to resolve the situation at hand, we will post update as new information is available.

Mar 10, 10:17 UTC
Resolved - Previously reported degradation in SMS delivery towards Orange (Partner Communications Company) network, Israel has been resolved. Traffic is now being delivered in a timely manner. We will continue to monitor the connection with the MNO to ensure no further issues are observed.
Mar 10, 11:07 UTC
Identified - We are experiencing degradation in SMS delivery towards Orange (Partner Communications Company) network, Israel. You may experience irregular delivery with inconsistent delivery times while sending towards the specified network.

Our dedicated engineering team is working with the MNO to resolve the situation at hand, we will post update as new information is available.

Mar 10, 09:17 UTC
Resolved - Previously reported degradation in SMS delivery towards Airtel D.R. of Congo network, Congo (Democratic Republic) has been resolved. Traffic is now being delivered in a timely manner. We will continue to monitor the connection with the MNO to ensure no further issues are observed.
Mar 10, 07:09 UTC
Identified - We are experiencing degradation in SMS delivery towards Airtel D.R. of Congo network, Congo (Democratic Republic). You may experience irregular delivery with inconsistent delivery times while sending towards the specified network.

Our dedicated engineering team is working with the MNO to resolve the situation at hand, we will post update as new information is available.

Mar 7, 13:15 UTC
Mar 9, 2025
Resolved - We have noticed temporary SMS delivery degradation towards Smart Communications network, Philippines within the following time frame:

Start: 08.03.2025 21:44 UTC
End: 09.03.2025 00:13 UTC

Impact: You may have experienced irregular delivery with inconsistent delivery times while sending to this network within time window provided.

We will continue to monitor delivery to ensure no further issues are observed.

Mar 9, 01:22 UTC
Mar 8, 2025

Unresolved incident: Nigeria - Multiple Networks - MULTIPLE CHANNEL DEGRADATION.

Mar 7, 2025
Resolved - We have experienced temporary degradation of multiple channels towards AT&T Mobility, United States:

Start Time - 04.03.2025 12:44 UTC
End Time - 07.03.2025 13:34 UTC

SMS & MMS - Due to faults on Deactivation File services from AT&T, you may have experienced irregular delivery while sending to this network within time window provided.

We will continue to monitor the connection with the MNO to ensure no further issues are observed.

Mar 7, 18:11 UTC
Completed - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Mar 7, 12:00 UTC
In progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Mar 7, 06:00 UTC
Scheduled - Please be informed that T-Mobile US network, United States operator will conduct technical maintenance during the period indicated below:

Start: 07/03/2025 06:00 UTC
End: 07/03/2025 12:00 UTC

Channel impacted: SMS | MMS

During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to handsets.

Mar 5, 00:04 UTC
Mar 6, 2025
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Mar 6, 18:18 UTC
Identified - We are experiencing degradation in SMS delivery towards ETMTN (Ethio-Telecom) network, Ethiopia. You may experience irregular delivery with inconsistent delivery times while sending towards the specified network.

Our dedicated engineering team is working with the MNO to resolve the situation at hand, we will post update as new information is available.

Mar 6, 17:42 UTC
Resolved - Previously reported degradation in requesting USSD short codes towards Vodafone Ghana has been resolved. We will continue to monitor the connection with the MNO to ensure no further issues are observed.
Mar 6, 10:07 UTC
Update - This is to inform you that previously reported SMS degradation is no longer present, but unfortunately requesting USSD short codes towards Vodafone Ghana remains impacted. Our dedicated engineering team is working with the MNO to resolve the situation at hand, we will post update as new information is available.
Mar 2, 14:43 UTC
Update - The situation expedited and we are experiencing degradation over multiple channels towards Vodafone Ghana.
Affected channels and impact is:

SMS - You may experience irregular delivery with inconsistent delivery times while sending towards the specified network.
USSD - You may experience degradation in requesting USSD short code.

Our dedicated engineering team is working with the MNO to resolve the situation at hand, we will post update as new information is available.

Mar 2, 14:08 UTC
Identified - We are experiencing degradation in requesting USSD short codes towards Vodafone Ghana. Our dedicated engineering team is working with the MNO to resolve the situation at hand, we will post update as new information is available.
Feb 21, 12:33 UTC
Resolved - This is to inform you that the reported incident is still being addressed with the MNOs and at this point there is no estimated time of recovery that could be shared. Until the issue is fully resolved, kindly note that our delivery rate is our best effort for this destinations. Once resolved, you can expect for delivery to stabilize.
Mar 6, 07:32 UTC
Identified - We are experiencing degradation in SMS delivery towards multiple networks in Cote d'Ivoire. You may experience irregular delivery with inconsistent delivery times while sending towards the specified network.

- Orange CI

Our dedicated engineering team is working with the MNOs to resolve the situation at hand, we will post update as new information is available.

Mar 2, 13:38 UTC
Resolved - Previously reported degradation in SMS delivery towards Orange (ex Meditel), Morocco has been resolved. Traffic is now being delivered in a timely manner. We will continue to monitor the connection with the MNO to ensure no further issues are observed.
Mar 6, 03:57 UTC
Update - We are continuing to work on a fix for this issue.
Mar 5, 18:14 UTC
Identified - We are experiencing degradation in SMS delivery towards Orange (ex Meditel), Morocco. You may experience irregular delivery with inconsistent delivery times while sending towards the specified network.

Our dedicated engineering team is working with the MNO to resolve the situation at hand, we will post update as new information is available.

Mar 5, 16:38 UTC
Mar 5, 2025
Resolved - We have noticed temporary MMS delivery degradation towards U.S. Cellular network, United States:

Start: 05.03.2025 13:09 UTC
End: 05.03.2025 14:49 UTC

Impact: You may have experienced irregular delivery with inconsistent delivery times while sending towards the specified networks within the given time period.

We will continue to monitor delivery to ensure no further issues are observed.

Mar 5, 17:41 UTC
Resolved - Previously reported degradation in SMS delivery towards NetOne Cellular network, Zimbabwe has been resolved. Traffic is now being delivered in a timely manner. We will continue to monitor the connection with the MNO to ensure no further issues are observed.
Mar 5, 09:28 UTC
Identified - We are experiencing degradation in SMS delivery towards NetOne Cellular network, Zimbabwe. You may experience irregular delivery with inconsistent delivery times while sending towards the specified network.

Our dedicated engineering team is working with the MNO to resolve the situation at hand, we will post update as new information is available.

Mar 5, 07:33 UTC
Resolved - Previously reported SMS delivery degradation towards multiple carriers has been resolved. You may have experienced irregular delivery with inconsistent delivery times while sending towards the specified networks:

- AT&T Mexico (Nextel & Iusacell) Network
- Telcel (Radiomovil Dipsa S.A.) Network

We will continue to monitor the connection with the MNOs to ensure no further issues are observed.

Mar 5, 06:51 UTC
Identified - We are experiencing degradation in SMS delivery towards multiple networks, Mexico.

- AT&T Mexico (Nextel & Iusacell) Network
- Telcel (Radiomovil Dipsa S.A.) Network

You may experience irregular delivery with inconsistent delivery times while sending towards the specified networks.

Our dedicated engineering team is working with the MNOs to resolve the situation at hand, we will post update as new information is available.

Mar 5, 06:02 UTC
Mar 4, 2025
Resolved - Previously reported degradation in SMS delivery towards Al Madar Al Jadid network, Libya has been resolved. Traffic is now being delivered in a timely manner. We will continue to monitor the connection with the MNO to ensure no further issues are observed.
Mar 4, 17:06 UTC
Identified - We are experiencing degradation in SMS delivery towards Al Madar Al Jadid network, Libya since 04.03.2024. 08:00 UTC. You may experience irregular delivery with inconsistent delivery times while sending towards the specified network.

Our dedicated engineering team is working with the MNO to resolve the situation at hand, we will post update as new information is available.

Mar 4, 13:02 UTC
Completed - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Mar 4, 12:00 UTC
In progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Mar 4, 08:01 UTC
Scheduled - Please be informed that T-Mobile US Network, United States operator will conduct technical maintenance during the period indicated below:

Start: 04.03.2025 08:00 UTC
End: 04.03.2025 12:00 UTC

Channel impacted: SMS | MMS

During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS/MMS to handsets.

Feb 28, 07:11 UTC
Resolved - Previously reported degradation in SMS delivery towards Halotel network, Tanzania has been resolved. Traffic is now being delivered in a timely manner. We will continue to monitor the connection with the MNO to ensure no further issues are observed.
Mar 4, 09:45 UTC
Identified - We are experiencing degradation in SMS delivery towards Halotel network, Tanzania. You may experience irregular delivery with inconsistent delivery times while sending towards the specified network.

Our dedicated engineering team is working with the MNO to resolve the situation at hand, we will post update as new information is available.

Feb 28, 22:36 UTC
Completed - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Mar 4, 08:00 UTC
In progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Mar 4, 04:00 UTC
Scheduled - Please be informed that T-Mobile US network, United States operator will conduct technical maintenance during the period indicated below:

Start: 04.03.2025 04:00 UTC
End: 04.03.2025 08:00 UTC

Channel impacted: SMS | MMS

During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to handsets.

Feb 28, 07:08 UTC
Resolved - Previously reported SMS delivery degradation towards multiple networks has been resolved. You may have experienced irregular delivery with inconsistent delivery times while sending towards the specified networks:

- Tele2
- Altel JSC

We will continue to monitor the connection with the MNOs to ensure no further issues are observed.

Mar 4, 07:11 UTC
Identified - We are experiencing degradation in SMS delivery towards multiple networks, Kazakhstan.

- Tele2
- Altel JSC

You may experience irregular delivery with inconsistent delivery times while sending towards the specified network.

Our dedicated engineering team is working with the MNO to resolve the situation at hand, we will post update as new information is available.

Mar 3, 10:58 UTC
Resolved - Previously reported degradation in SMS delivery towards Sercomtel // PR - Curitiba network, Brazil has been resolved. Traffic is now being delivered in a timely manner. We will continue to monitor the connection with the MNO to ensure no further issues are observed.
Mar 4, 06:12 UTC
Identified - We are experiencing degradation in SMS delivery towards Sercomtel // PR - Curitiba network, Brazil. You may experience irregular delivery with inconsistent delivery times while sending towards the specified network.

Our dedicated engineering team is working with the MNO to resolve the situation at hand, we will post update as new information is available.

Mar 4, 01:07 UTC
Mar 3, 2025
Resolved - Previously reported degradation in SMS delivery towards multiple networks, Colombia has been resolved.

- Claro (Comcel - Comunicacion Celular S.A.)
- Movistar (Telefonica Moviles Colombia S.A.)

Traffic is now being delivered in a timely manner. We will continue to monitor the connection with the MNOs to ensure no further issues are observed.

Mar 3, 13:28 UTC
Identified - We are experiencing degradation in SMS delivery towards multiple networks in Colombia.

- Claro (Comcel - Comunicacion Celular S.A.)
- Movistar (Telefonica Moviles Colombia S.A.)

You may experience irregular delivery with inconsistent delivery times while sending towards the specified network.

Our dedicated engineering team is working with the MNOs to resolve the situation at hand, we will post update as new information is available.

Feb 28, 14:35 UTC
Resolved - We have noticed temporary SMS delivery degradation towards multiple networks, Taiwan within the following time frame:

Start: 03.03.2025. 10:00 UTC
End: 03.03.2025. 11:50 UTC

Impact: You may have experienced irregular delivery with inconsistent delivery times while sending to this networks within time window provided.

- Chunghwa Telecom
- Taiwan Mobile
- Far EasTone

We will continue to monitor delivery to ensure no further issues are observed.

Mar 3, 12:49 UTC
Resolved - Previously reported degradation in SMS delivery towards Malitel, Mali has been resolved. Traffic is now being delivered in a timely manner. We will continue to monitor the connection with the MNO to ensure no further issues are observed.
Mar 3, 06:55 UTC
Identified - We are experiencing degradation in SMS delivery towards Malitel network, Mali. You may experience irregular delivery with inconsistent delivery times while sending towards the specified network.

Our dedicated engineering team is working with the MNO to resolve the situation at hand, we will post update as new information is available.

Feb 28, 12:52 UTC
Resolved - Previously reported degradation in SMS delivery towards MNO - ILIAD Italia S.p.A. network, Italy has been resolved. Traffic is now being delivered in a timely manner. We will continue to monitor the connection with the MNO to ensure no further issues are observed.
Mar 3, 01:59 UTC
Identified - We are experiencing degradation in SMS delivery towards Iliad networks in Italy. You may experience irregular delivery with inconsistent delivery times while sending towards the specified network.

Our dedicated engineering team is working with the MNO to resolve the situation at hand, we will post update as new information is available.

Mar 2, 15:55 UTC
Mar 2, 2025
Resolved - Previously reported degradation in SMS delivery towards Claro Brazil network has been resolved. Traffic is now being delivered in a timely manner. We will continue to monitor the connection with the MNO to ensure no further issues are observed.
Mar 2, 09:10 UTC
Identified - We are experiencing degradation in SMS delivery towards all circles of Claro Brazil network. You may experience irregular delivery with inconsistent delivery times while sending towards the specified network.

Our dedicated engineering team is working with the MNO to resolve the situation at hand, we will post update as new information is available.

Mar 2, 07:15 UTC
Mar 1, 2025

No incidents reported.

Feb 28, 2025
Completed - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Feb 28, 13:00 UTC
In progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Feb 28, 03:00 UTC
Scheduled - Please be informed that T-Mobile US Network, United States operator will conduct technical maintenance during the period indicated below:

Start: 28.02.2025 03:00 UTC
End: 28.02.2025 13:00 UTC

Channel impacted: SMS | MMS

During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS/MMS to handsets.

Feb 25, 23:25 UTC
Resolved - Previously reported degradation in SMS delivery towards Airtel Kenya network, Kenya has been resolved. Traffic is now being delivered in a timely manner. We will continue to monitor the connection with the MNO to ensure no further issues are observed.
Feb 28, 12:40 UTC
Identified - We are experiencing degradation in SMS delivery towards Airtel Kenya network, Kenya. You may experience irregular delivery with inconsistent delivery times while sending towards the specified network.

Our dedicated engineering team is working with the MNO to resolve the situation at hand, we will post update as new information is available.

Feb 27, 07:16 UTC
Resolved - Previously reported degradation in SMS delivery towards Orange network, Botswana has been resolved. Traffic is now being delivered in a timely manner. We will continue to monitor the connection with the MNO to ensure no further issues are observed.
Feb 28, 12:34 UTC
Identified - We are experiencing degradation in SMS delivery towards Orange network, Botswana . You may experience irregular delivery with inconsistent delivery times while sending towards the specified network.

Our dedicated engineering team is working with the MNO to resolve the situation at hand, we will post update as new information is available.

Feb 27, 22:42 UTC
Completed - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Feb 28, 03:30 UTC
In progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Feb 27, 22:00 UTC
Scheduled - Please be informed that Vodafone Qatar operator will conduct technical maintenance during the period indicated below:

Start: 27.02.2025. 22:00 UTC
End: 28.02.2025. 03:30 UTC

Channel impacted: SMS

During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to handsets.

Feb 24, 14:10 UTC
Feb 27, 2025
Resolved - Previously reported degradation in SMS delivery towards Tigo network, Guatemala has been resolved. Traffic is now being delivered in a timely manner. We will continue to monitor the connection with the MNO to ensure no further issues are observed.
Feb 27, 21:01 UTC
Identified - We are experiencing degradation in SMS delivery towards Tigo network, Guatemala. You may experience irregular delivery with inconsistent delivery times while sending towards the specified network.

Our dedicated engineering team is working with the MNO to resolve the situation at hand, we will post update as new information is available.

Feb 26, 17:05 UTC
Completed - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Feb 27, 13:00 UTC
In progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Feb 27, 03:00 UTC
Scheduled - Please be informed that T-Mobile US Network, United States operator will conduct technical maintenance during the period indicated below:

Start: 27.02.2025 3:00 UTC
End: 27.02.2025 13:00 UTC

Channel impacted: SMS | MMS

During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS/MMS to handsets.

Feb 25, 23:37 UTC
Resolved - We have noticed temporary SMS delivery degradation towards Airtel Nigeria, Nigeria within the following time frame:

Start: 27.02.2025. 09:50 UTC
End: 27.02.2025. 10:50 UTC

Impact: You may have experienced irregular delivery with inconsistent delivery times while sending to this network within time window provided.

We will continue to monitor delivery to ensure no further issues are observed.

Feb 27, 12:33 UTC
Completed - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Feb 27, 10:00 UTC
In progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Feb 27, 05:00 UTC
Scheduled - Please be informed that we will conduct technical maintenance with Verizon Wireless, United States operator during the period indicated below:

Start: 27.02.2025 5:00 UTC
End: 27.02.2025 10:00 UTC

Channel impacted: SMS

During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS to handsets.

Feb 20, 07:59 UTC
Resolved - Previously reported degradation in SMS delivery towards Expresso Senegal (Sudan Telecom Company Ltd) Network, Senegal has been resolved. Traffic is now being delivered in a timely manner. We will continue to monitor the connection with the MNO to ensure no further issues are observed.
Feb 27, 01:39 UTC
Feb 26, 2025
Resolved - We have noticed temporary SMS delivery degradation towards Airtel Nigeria network, Nigeria within the following time frame:

Start: 26.02.2025 at 17:30 UTC
End: 26.02.2025 at 18:30 UTC

Impact: You may have experienced irregular delivery with inconsistent delivery times while sending to this network within time window provided.

We will continue to monitor delivery to ensure no further issues are observed.

Feb 26, 18:43 UTC
Completed - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Feb 26, 08:30 UTC
In progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Feb 26, 05:30 UTC
Scheduled - Please be informed that we will conduct technical maintenance with U.S. Cellular Network, United States operator during the period indicated below:

Start: 26.02.2025 05:30 UTC
End: 26.02.2025 08:30 UTC

Channel impacted: MMS

During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering MMS to handsets.

Feb 25, 15:45 UTC
Feb 25, 2025
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Feb 25, 21:58 UTC
Identified - We are experiencing degradation in SMS delivery towards Liberty Communications Puerto Rico network, Puerto Rico. You may experience irregular delivery with inconsistent delivery times while sending towards the specified network.

Our dedicated engineering team is working with the MNO to resolve the situation at hand, we will post update as new information is available.

Feb 25, 19:02 UTC
Resolved - Previously reported degradation in SMS delivery towards Claro network, Colombia has been resolved. Traffic is now being delivered in a timely manner. We will continue to monitor the connection with the MNO to ensure no further issues are observed.
Feb 25, 18:23 UTC
Identified - We are experiencing degradation in SMS delivery towards Claro network, Colombia. You may experience irregular delivery with inconsistent delivery times while sending towards the specified network.

Our dedicated engineering team is working with the MNO to resolve the situation at hand, we will post update as new information is available.

Feb 25, 17:23 UTC
Completed - The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Feb 25, 13:00 UTC
In progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Feb 25, 03:00 UTC
Scheduled - Please be informed that T-Mobile US Network, United States operator will conduct technical maintenance during the period indicated below:

Start: 25.02.2025 03:00 UTC
End: 25.02.2025 13:00 UTC

Channel impacted: SMS | MMS

During the maintenance window, there could be intermittent delays delivering SMS/MMS to handsets.

Feb 24, 00:21 UTC